Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Pilot

Every legitimate TV fanatic knows that the only way to start a new series is to not jump in mid season but to start at the beginning, the pilot.  A good pilot episode gives enough background information to lay the ground work for the series while also telling a good independent story and hinting at story lines to come.  A strong pilot is imperative to the series because it is the very framework that networks use to determine whether the show is even worth picking up in the first place.  So while this blog is written by a television freak, the best place to start would be the pilot.   The pilot episode of my blog.

Hi my name is Christine and I am a Shipper.  This is when you all respond with, "Hi Christine." For those of you that don't know what a "shipper" is, it is someone who becomes way too emotional involved in the relationship of two characters.  This truth has been a difficult one for me to admit but the first step is always admitting that you have a problem.  I know usually this only applies if you want help, but I need a first step so I figured this was a good place to start.  When most people hear that I love TV they immediately peg me as a lazy couch potato.  Don't get me wrong, I am lazy and I am a definite couch potato but that has nothing to do with why I love television. There is something that television shows give you that no movie or book can ever give you and that is a deeper character development then is possible with any other avenue of storytelling.  There is a reason that most successful television characters are dynamic and that is because over time, people change so why shouldn't fictional characters?  Time and experiences shape our own characters so since television shows usually span over several seasons, and usually longer timelines, their characters are shaped by their own experiences as well.  When you watch someone change before your own eyes, week after week, you cannot help but become emotionally involved in their well being or the people they choose to have in their lives.  So since I am an avid shipper, as this blog goes on, I will keep it updated with story lines of current shows as well as my thoughts and strong opinions on current as well as old series that I have recently started watching.

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